Monday, January 4, 2010

...from watching M*A*S*H

M*A*S*H was my go to show in high school and college. It was on in the morning, afternoon, evening, and late night. It kept me company when I came home to an empty house in high school and saved me from soap operas. The show would help me focus at 3 am when I was on page 1 on of a 10 page paper due that morning. I loved the show and have watched every episode. Oddly enough, it's the only thing my father and I ever agreed on - we both liked M*A*S*H. Although, he hates Alan Alda and I don't. (Apparently movie stars aren't allowed to have political opinions.)


While watching M*A*S*H I've learned...
  1. ... that a great group of friends and a lot of laughter can get you out of almost any situation.
  2. ... always listen to the stories a stranger has to share. Sometimes you'll learn a life lesson.
  3. ... to never attempt to deal on the black market.
  4. ...that we send people to fight our wars for us, but we forget to feed them well and make sure they've got the best and latest equipment to keep them safe.
  5. ...that a round of golf is a great way to clear a mine field.
  6. ...necessity leads to new inventions.
  7. ...that sometimes even the brightest minds need a distraction to stay sane.
  8. never mess with a mans' distillery.
  9. ...that if you run out of party decorations, toilet paper works for streamers.
  10. ...that not everyone with a higher rank than you is "better" than you.
  11. ...that it's possible to be both promiscuous and a prude. Just take lessons from Major Hot Lips Houlihan.
  12. ... that networks can drag the Korean War out to last 11 years, but can't seem to keep any of my favorite other shows for more than two.
  13. ... that men can wear dresses too.

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